Thursday, August 27, 2020

Heart of Darkness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Heart of Darkness - Essay Example The Conrad’s story appears to unfurl the dull minutes that may be startling to the perusers, anyway it calls attention to the advantage of civilisation. For example, the story represents the civilisation that changed the one time dim nation Britain (Conrad 36). The custom brought to the Dark Continent by the white man didn't sound noteworthy to the blacks, yet it has changed the network to enlighten better practices, which they didn't recognize in any case. The cutting edge strategies for development are uplifting news to individuals that thought minimal about the presence of current technique for expanding agrarian yields (Conrad 56). Another significant case that is intriguing in the novel is the advanced training framework. The framework empowered the mainland to change from its conventional frameworks, which delivered little as far as industrialisation just as globalization. Instruction was the main suitable path through the Dark Continent could get the new light. Conrad sees that Africans grasped the old innovation in doing their things. It didn't appear to them that the general public could apply logical methods of doing the every day exercises. The product of acquaintance of science with the dull piece of the world brought light that is sparkling in this area. The streets that the provincial bosses created didn't just helped the pioneer experts to apply their despotic guideline in obscurity world, yet additionally empowered the blacks to appreciate exchanging their merchandise. In any case, the novel gives a red hot story of savagery anticipated to the blameless blacks for the sake of civilisation. The boisterous attack to the Africans by the pilgrim aces is disturbing. It is doubtful that better ways were relevant in presenting advancement (Conrad 125). The creator depicted the murdering of the Africans as though they didn't reserve the option to live or to picked what is useful for their lives or not. The white figures didn't view blacks as individuals also; they did

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Marketing and PR Handout

Taking a Masters in Business Administration degree implies that you have to see every single part of the association you work in.â â â Knowledge in Marketing and PR will furnish you with the fundamental instruments to cause your own business or association to endure the competition.â Below are my bits of knowledge from taking Marketing and PR course:1. Brand value, which is the position that an item or organization holds in the brains of the buyers is essential to making the character and character of your product.2. Marking coordinates the general techniques of your organization or brand †publicizing, promoting programs, client care, advertising (Ochman, n.d.).â Make sure you give your image a predictable situating approach.3. Promoting isn't just about contribution limits on coupons or parting with prizes in raffles.â It is tied in with incorporating successful devices to speak with your market.4. Four Ps of advertising represent Product, Price, Place and Promotion.à ¢ These decide the heading of your item, and incorporate your projects to guarantee consistency and cooperative energy in your endeavors (Arens, W., 2005).5. Market infiltration systems decide the all out market potential, at that point isolate that potential by the measure of item that is now sold or bought (Berry, T., 2007).â If not done right, you may wind up picking yourself on an inappropriate roadside, with ridiculous costs and squandered efforts.6. Compensating your faithful clients is an incredible asset these days to keep them returning (Marketing Tricks for the Frugal Budget, 2003).â This offers ascend to Relationship Marketing, guaranteeing that everything from client assistance to after-deals administration is going easily (Arens, W., 2005).7. Use limits and promotions sparingly.â Otherwise, individuals may feel that your item isn't adequate on the grounds that they are consistently on special (Marketing Tricks for the Frugal Budget, 2003).8. In Public Relations, you have to deal with your picture to the general population, and similarly significant, to the media.â Otherwise, you hazard yourself of being thrown in the shadows of obscurity, since media make the buzz for your item or company.9. The media inclusion that you traverse suggestions of editors, reviews in segments and notices in official statements is more remarkable than advertising.â Utilize this as regularly and as successful as you can.10. Publicizing is a powerful apparatus to advance your item, which is the reason it doesn't come modest (Arens, W., 2005).â You need to ensure that you pick the correct mechanism for your item to arrive at the privilege market.ReferencesArens, W.â (2005).â Contemporary Advertising.â McGraw Hill, pp. 325-328.Berry, T. (2007).â Market Penetration Opportunity.â Retrieved May 8, 2007.Marketing Tricks for the Frugal Budget.â (2003).â Retrieved May 8, 2007 from showcasing stunts that-work/Och man, B.L. (n.d.).â Branding:â The Most Misunderstood Word in Marketing.â Retrieved May 8, 2007.

Factors of Business Essay

The primary ramifications that will affect The business is the European Union, which has been in a profound downturn this is on the grounds that customer request has fallen, while joblessness rates are expanding over the European association. This has made incredible concern worldwide markets as the likelihood that Greece will be unable to pay of their extraordinary obligations, this could result into the them defaulting the Eurozone, anyway there is some security yet this circumstance is fragile in light of the fact that the European Central Bank and furthermore the International fiscal store, have upheld advances which have accompanied exacting conditions joined. By Greece defaulting this could spell the finish of the euro, which can have an incredible effect on all economies around the globe, this could result into an expansion to the present downturn since nations could be viewed as a vulnerability to repay, this will expand the acquiring cost and they may even increment to unaft he businessable rates past 5%, an outcome advance may evaporate prompting nations not bringing in merchandise since they can not afthe business this. This would influence The business since buyers would just hope to buy basics and purchasing a vehicle would be viewed as an extravagance. A significant flaw in the Eurozone is that all nations should have a similar financing costs, which isn't acceptable in light of the fact that they all have distinctive totally different economies. A prime model is that nations like, Germany and France have parcel more grounded economies than the PIIGS, which represents Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain. The present EU base rate is 0.250%, which wills suite nations like the PIIGS, yet it will likewise end the advancement of France and Germany. Anyway the UK can change their base rate, which is constrained by the Bank OF England, the present base rate in the U.K is 0.5%, this will urge more individuals to take advances since they are relativity modest and this will permit more cash to be spent. Intrigue rates in the EU and UK will influence The business provided that the base rate are low this is acceptable on the grounds that it will permit purchaser to get less expensive credits permitting them to buy the business extravagances like things, additionally it permits individuals to back vehicles less expensive in light of the fact that the base financing cost is low. The swapping scale will could fill in as an advantage to the business this is in such a case that different nations money is more fragile than the US this will mean they will hope to sell there for more benefit since they should pay remote cash for the item. So if the Euro swapping scale falls this could be seen acceptable on the grounds that it will imply that nations in the Euro should pay more for The business vehicles, anyway this can mess more up for The business since it will imply that a few buyers will most likely be unable to bear the cost of the organizations items. Anyway another bit of leeway is this would imply that they could have less expensive parts from the providers on the grounds that the swapping scale has fallen. In the European association there are a wide range of decides that you need to consent to get one of them is the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), which endeavors to justify cultivating and the creation of food and other cultivated produce, this is finished by permitting dies down to be paid to ranchers to develop certain harvests, anyway cash spent in the EU can not be spent on remembering joblessness, which is a significant worry in all EU states. I am going to take a gander at how nations are connected through globalized exchange, this is on the grounds that business are not situated in only one nation they are in a wide range of nations, a case of this is The business who are an American business anyway they make there vehicles over the world, this makes gracefully for nations to import and fare products. Anyway this can make issues entire worldwide economy, a prime model is that this present downturn began in the US where the first credits where given to individuals who weren’t prone to pay and these advances back these then urged different banks to the equivalent to permit buyers to buy merchandise and property’s, these advances are known as sub prime advances. The all around downturn is most noticeably awful in history and it has kept going longer than the extraordinary discouragement or the Wall Street crash in the 1930’s. This has influenced The business this is on the grounds that they had seen a drop popular for there item since individuals didn't have the certainty to buy extravagance things, anyway a year ago they have seen their benefits go up by 26% in 2013, which shows that customers are having more trust in going through cash, this is because of most nations have diminished their base financing costs. They are worldwide worries that will cause The business issues, a significant concern would be the increasing expense of Oil, this would result into the costs ascending of all merchandise including food costs, which will result into shoppers changing there purchasing behaviors to facilitate the expense of products expanding. This would influence The business since they would need to pay more to providers since cost of transportation and conveyance are rising, they would likewise observe a decrease in deals over the world since Oil is increasingly costly, to result this they would need to hope to make a decrease in assembling significance employments will be lost in nations, which will make an issue to nation who will see an expansion in joblessness rate and this will see purchasers going through less cash and this could result into nations returning into a downturn. There is likewise issues for The business on natural issues that is managed by the world exchange organsisation, who will hope to ensure that the Carbon yield is diminished on the planet. Anyway there are recommendations that creating nations like China and India, have less exacting ecological which gives them a serious edge of different nations, by organizations like The business fabricating vehicles there it will make employments, and furthermore result into more cash being spent, which will support the economy of these nations. The business are taking a gander at methods of holding Carbon discharge down this is the reason they have reported they that they will utilize Aluminum combinations on there wheels rather than take this is on the grounds that it will lessen the heaviness of the vehicle and furthermore by this occurrence implies they can fit littler motors, which will prompt an improvement in fuel millage. Anyway not at all like Europe the worldwide economy is solid in nations like China, where they have been generally excellent, this is demonstrated that they have had a business increment of 52%, and they are estimating that the chinese economy will grow by 7.5%, and they are going to see an expansion of their market in China to 23 million vehicles. The business likewise have the main vehicles on the planet which is The business Focus. There is vulnerability suing QE, which represents quantitative facilitating, this is a way that centrals banks use to help the economy they do this by asking consent from the treasury to make a great deal of cash, this is some by crediting their own records, they at that point spend this cash on purchasing government securities from budgetary firms like banks, insurance agencies and annuity reserves, this makes the expense of securities costly, which at that point puts off different financial specialists, which thus implies that the organizations selling there securities may use there cash to put into different organizations or loan cash to people. This would ideally make banks and insurance agencies to loan cash to organizations or people, the financing costs they charge should fall, which will bring about more cash being spent and this will give the economy a major lift. At the point when the economy has recuperated the national banks will sell the securities it had bought and afte rward pulverize the money they have gotten, and this will imply that in the drawn out additional cash has not been made. Anyway this accompanies a couple of hazard that the Germans during the 1920s and furthermore Zimbabwe have seen, which was that they saw a tremendous ascent in swelling.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Design in Modern Art (painting from Paula and Leonard Granoff Gallerie Essay - 15

Plan in Modern Art (painting from Paula and Leonard Granoff Galleries) - Essay Example The model artwork is put in [Please give the room that you got it from]. There are other design figures put around it, for example, shoes. There is additionally a glass organizer with different trimmings in it. There is a wooden table made of a board that holds them (Rosenfeld, and Daniel, 54). It has been shown upstanding with human representation used to delineate how it shows up when it has been utilized. The room which it has been put is sufficiently bright with roof lights enlightening enough light to the articles. The presentation is extremely fitting since it gives the watcher the immediate message of what it is and has the topic of innovation in it. The showcase is excellent since the picture that has been utilized additionally propose the sexual orientation type that the fine art is made for. The timespan of this article is of the twentieth century since a large portion of the attire showed is broadly utilized in the present. The craftsman has utilized current methods in drawing out the model; the craftsman has introduced the in vogue drifts in the twentieth century and showed contemporary fine art. The craftsman is an innovator; everything that has been utilized in the model is present day. The work of art represents present day design styles that are generally utilized in the twentieth century. The work of art additionally represents change that has seen old style dressed being cleared out with in vogue ones like the one depicted. The fine art has a topic of strict importance; in this unique situation, it has addressed design styles that are broadly utilized by Christians. One customary angle that has been considered is the shading dark; in the interim, the examples and the materials utilized are both present day. The style can be utilized in both social and authority formal occasions. The craftsman moves and it brings an inclination that achievement comes through difficult work and assurance. The decision about this item uncovers craftsmanship has been given the main goal and seeing how to succeed is might be gained from past

Essay Topics - Choosing Essay Topics That Are Interesting, Informative and Educative

Essay Topics - Choosing Essay Topics That Are Interesting, Informative and EducativeEssay topics that are too general can bore the reader, and vice versa. Research shows that topics that are too general are too dry, not informative and boring. So, to make sure you are not writing a topic that the reader will not find interesting, here are a few tips for choosing essay topics.Essay topics that are too vague or broad may bore the reader because they do not include sufficient information. They also do not allow the reader to delve into the most interesting parts of the essay, the body or the introduction. In order to avoid this problem, choose a topic that has a topic, or at least a subtopic, that pertains to the essay topic at hand.For example, if your essay topic is how to improve your dating life, you can go in depth into dating etiquette, how to deal with rejection, online dating tips, what people look for in a person they are dating or how to get a date in a public place. By doing this, you also give the reader more information on dating in general. This makes the essay more informative and interesting.When choosing essay topics, it is important to consider which subtopics are relevant to the subject. Topics that pertain to other subjects, and topics that have nothing to do with one another. Choosing topics that are appropriate, such as: 'Three Quick Tips for What to Wear To An Engagement Party,' does not make the topic overly general.Research shows that research is important when choosing essay topics. It is important to write about things that are interesting, well-researched and concrete. Thus, it is important to think of topics that are not too general and abstract.For example, writing a research paper on something like 'American Grammar' would be a huge waste of time. On the other hand, if you have information on Italian grammar and American slang, you can put that in the body of the essay.You can also use this information to write a related topic, such as 'Why More Women Are Taking Up Baking.' This is a specific topic, but is relevant to the essay topic at hand.Lastly, ensure that the essay topics you choose are interesting and highly informative. Use an essay topic editor to write a list of essay topics that you think will be interesting and informative. If you need help getting started on your topic writing project, visit a local website that offers essay topic editing services.

Friday, July 3, 2020

Illustrious Feathers - Literature Essay Samples

Simply by existing as a product of the human genome and becoming integrated into society, one unavoidably becomes aware of the fact that there is a wide range of good and bad that men and women are capable of. Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s â€Å"A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings: A Tale for Children† portrays its events with little bias: while at first appearing to take a very negative spin on the truth, the harsh themes one observes as a reader stem solely from the actions and thoughts of each character. Through the theme of religion, this 1955 short story displays a false piety that many characters exhibit, by bringing to light the effects that the old man’s wings have on the behavior of the surrounding people the author shows the public’s insincerity, and through the remainder of the story he illustrates the common cruelty and selfishness that is acted upon so naturally. Religion, as a general principle, brings a lot of joy into the lives of those who practice it; providing calculated responses to unanswerable questions, giving purpose and meaning to human existence, and allowing many to feel a much-yearned for sense of belonging through like-minded communities. However, this happy portrayal of this system of beliefs is not always pure: like any other dogma, religion holds dark secrets and brings about as much evil, if not more so, as it does good. â€Å"A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings† exhibits many of the negative qualities of Christianity in particular through subtle metaphors and, more prominently, the actions of religious figures. A high amount of false piety is shown through the thoughts and actions of the main characters of â€Å"A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings†, particularly Pelayo, Elisenda, and Father Gonzaga. Throughout the story, the three appear to see themselves as magnanimous, completely ignorant to the injustices they commit upon the old man. As early as their first instance with the winged stranger, they mindlessly disregarded the charity they later preach and instead turned to their faith for answers to their inquiries rather than its teachings in kindness. As the old man lay face down in the mud, clearly very old, ill, and perhaps even dead, his wings bring Pelayo and Elisenda, the inhabitants of the house, to forget the common courtesy of helping him up or at least seeing if he was alive. It is not until after they hear the verdict of a neighbor who supposedly knows everything there is to know about life and death – who tells them with confidence that he is an angel – tha t they even interact with him (Marquez, 1). After locking him up into the chicken coop, they invariably continue to feel altruistic when they decide that â€Å"they did not have the heart to club him to death†, (1) when they speculate whether or not to generously â€Å"put the angel on a raft with fresh water and provisions for three days and leave him to his fate on the high seas† (1), or when â€Å"Pelayo threw a blanket over him and extended him the charity of letting him sleep in the shed† (4). Never do they stop to wonder why they should have needed to club him to death in the first place, or whether he, in his state, would survive without being swallowed by the sea, or whether he needs medical attention (they find him to have a fever only after allowing him to stay in the shed). Yet, through all of this, they hold true to their false sense of virtue, always consulting the knowledgeable neighbor or Father Gonzaga before making a decision, and on top of that , gaining monetarily from the crowds flocking to see the winged man without even passing a thought of repaying him in any way. This oblivious selfishness is, unfortunately, something that many humans display often around the world. What is most shocking about this is not the behavior of Pelayo and Elisenda, which could be considered reasonably contemptible, but the response of Father Gonzaga to the circumstances. He who is devout by nature of his occupation still could not extend the courtesy that any person deserves. The bible teaches one to treat another the way he/she wishes to be treated, and even if the old man was not technically human, this principle extends past the barriers of species. As a priest, Father Gonzaga is expected to behave with dignity, kindness, and justice, yet immediately upon his arrival, he gives way to the same assumptions the rest of the people had come to, suspecting that he is an imposter when he does not speak the language of God, which should have been a sign of his angelicism. The priest, who in a way was the old man’s only hope of achieving reasonable treatment and possibly some healthcare, provides no more affection than the rest. This behavior, in some ways, parallels the rigid denial that certain parts of the church illustrate towards those who stray from the norm. While the whole of Christianity is not conducted in this manner, there are some of this faith that do not accept differences as readily as others, and this theme is even more prominent in the time of the story’s writing in 1955, an era that was partially characterized by its struggle to overcome racial prejudice, sexism, and other hierarchical issues. An aspect of human nature, and therefore society, which has always been so and will continue indefinitely is all animals’, particularly peoples’, discomfort with unfamiliarity and differences. The dissimilarities amongst human beings and their consequential feelings of discomfort and fear have brought many to justify cruel behavior: Slavery and segregation was justified by the thought that those with darker skin were of less importance, thus less deserving of respect; conquistadorial destruction of many cultures was justified because the traditions of differing communities were perceived to be of lesser value; etc. While not all of this behavior is quite so extreme or on such a large scale, differences in culture and what one is comfortable with ultimately shapes many everyday actions and decisions, whether or not we are aware of it. That is not to suggest that this is a credential of an evil-doer, since the discomfort one feels in an unfamiliar environment is totally n atural, yet so many foolhardy interactions come of this aspect of human nature that do not end positively. Marquez excellently portrays this phenomenon with an accuracy that elicits a chronic pang of sympathy that lasts from first to final page through the community’s treatment of the old man with wings. The entirety of Marquez’s â€Å"A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings† is based on assumptions of the old man’s differences from the public, the largest of them being that the man was an angel simply because of his feathered wings. Based on this hasty conclusion, every character, both major and minor, treats him with the precursory thought that he is a supernatural being. There is an odd period when he first arrives when onlookers â€Å"were making all kinds of conjectures concerning the captive’s future† (1), but what is most strange about this is not that they feel the right to decide his fate, but that after they make suggestions that imply reverence such as â€Å"mayor of the world† and â€Å"five-star general in order to win all wars† (2), he receives not a grain of respect from a soul (not even from the chickens!). Then, later in the story, the public finds him easy to forget when a girl who had been transformed into an enormous tar antula comes to town: â€Å"A spectacle like that, full of so much human truth and with such a fearful lesson, was bound to defeat without even trying that of a haughty angel who scarcely deigned to look at mortals† (3). The public appears to find her easier to empathize with, and although her form is much less human than the old man’s, whose only contradictory characteristic is his feathers, they treat her as being more human. Her story as the girl who was changed forever after disobeying her parents was easy for the public to sympathize with because, in their setting, this is something that could have happened to anyone. In the end, what really evokes the public’s respect, if only subconsciously, is the fact that she could speak their language. As someone they could not communicate with, the old man with the wings was easy to dissociate from the thoughts and feelings of a human, especially in combination with the conclusion that he was supernatural, much as it is easier for people to treat animals with less respect than their fellow humans. On top of the religious facets of society as illustrated in the short story, there is a general air of cruelty and selfishness that is prominent throughout. Whether it is a cynic’s portrayal of the ways of the world or simply reflections of the author’s observations, the content of the story paints a very ugly picture of humans’ flaws. In addition to the manifestations of cruelty mentioned earlier in relation to religion and intolerance of variety, there are several more examples that seem to have behind them no real purpose other than general selfishness. Upon realizing that people were coming from all over to see their captive angel, it was easy to charge a small admission fee and still rack up a fortune for the household. â€Å"Pelayo and Elisenda were happy with fatigue, for in less than a week they had crammed their rooms with money† (2), yet as they improve all aspects of their lives as a family through their new-found fortune, they fail to think eve n for a moment about the possibility of using any of their fiscal gains to help the old man. It wasn’t until long after the spectators had ceased appearing on the property and just after the chicken coop collapsed that they realize the man is very ill, which, after the amount of time he’d already spent with the family, is rather appalling. Pelayo and Elisenda were so very enveloped in their own desires that they fail to notice or care about the state of the poor man. These two are not the only who treat him with neglect or brutality: â€Å"the cripples pulled out feathers to touch their defective parts with, and even the most merciful threw stones at him, trying to get him to rise so they could see him standing† (2). They even burn him with a branding iron to see if he was still living. Everyone in his presence uses him to benefit themselves in some way, and it was surprising to read that the cripples, who are probably acquainted with misfortune, fell under that category, as well as those who were â€Å"the most merciful†. The most horrific of all this malice is that, when they finally discover that the old man is sick and probably dying, the only reason they care is because not â€Å"even the wise neighbor woman had been able to tell them what to do with dead angels† (4). It is human nature to put one’s self first because that is an essential for survival, but selfishness to this extent is both despicable and unfortunately common in society. Despite the balance of benevolent and malicious aspects of society and those who conduct it, Gabriel Marquez’s â€Å"A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings: A Tale for Children† very much highlights the parts that are particularly wicked. Through the well-intentioned institute of religion he brings to the reader’s attention a false piety that most of the characters exhibit, and by emphasizing the behavioral effects of stark differences between people (or creatures), he shows the intolerance that many found so natural, and in most of the remaining carefully chosen word of the story he displays the common cruelty and selfishness of every character. Perhaps the author’s purpose in entitling the story a tale for children is a warning to the youth to beware of the nastiness of human.

Monday, May 25, 2020

How to Start Your Own Accounting Business 2019

A new accounting business can go in a number of directions. Tax preparation is the big, once-a- year business opportunity for an accounting firm. Many small accounting firms one to five person shops will work twelve hour days, and even longer through March to mid-April during tax season. For some, its probably like Christmas for a retailer: the season carries them through subsequent slow months. Tax preparation as a profession has gotten a lot more time-efficient with the advent of tax preparation software. Most accountants have moved beyond the consumer-level Turbotax or Taxcut products to more sophisticated accounting programs. Its then a matter of plugging in the figures provided by the client, helping make decisions on itemization, and dividing taxable from non- taxable expenses. Small accounting businesses can handle an extraordinary number of tax returns these days. That is one reason for starting an accounting business: everyone has to pay taxes once a year. A good accountant can build a customer base that is all he can handle for tax season and most will return each year. Its a retail level business with a guaranteed clientele. .uf411f9ea31ccc1ece344e9d52eca23e2 { padding:0px; margin: 0; padding-top:1em!important; padding-bottom:1em!important; width:100%; display: block; font-weight:bold; background-color:#eaeaea; border:0!important; border-left:4px solid #34495E!important; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -o-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); text-decoration:none; } .uf411f9ea31ccc1ece344e9d52eca23e2:active, .uf411f9ea31ccc1ece344e9d52eca23e2:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; text-decoration:none; } .uf411f9ea31ccc1ece344e9d52eca23e2 { transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; } .uf411f9ea31ccc1ece344e9d52eca23e2 .ctaText { font-weight:bold; color:inherit; text-decoration:none; font-size: 16px; } .uf411f9ea31ccc1ece344e9d52eca23e2 .post Title { color:#000000; text-decoration: underline!important; font-size: 16px; } .uf411f9ea31ccc1ece344e9d52eca23e2:hover .postTitle { text-decoration: underline!important; } READ Nebraska Colleges and Universities Pursuing Online and Campus Based Education in Nebraska, the Cornhusker StateAccounting is a business that builds its clientele on personal relationships. Timely, friendly service will keep tax customers coming back. Building an accounting business that provides accounting services for existing businesses requires some marketing and footwork. Probably the best investment for a small accountant is an ad in the Yellow Pages, as that is where much of your unsolicited business will come from. The rest will probably come from personal referrals. A new accounting business can invest in some direct mail to introduce the firm. You can purchase mailing lists of businesses by zip code and put out a letter or brochure introducing your firm and your services. Send your mail to the CEO, NOT the accounting department. Follow up your mailing with a telephone call to see if you can get in the door for an introductory meeting. For a new business, professionally done presentation materials are a good investment. Prepare a sheet with a biography and photo of yourself, highlighting your credentials and experience. Prepare another sheet, or brochure, that illustrates the potential cost savings of outsourcing accounting services. Write a personal cover letter to the person youre meeting or hope to meet. Put it all in a two or three color folder with the name of your firm on it and mail it or hand carry it, if youre going to a meeting. Never run out of business cards. .u4c37cd4cdd1196312180cc61edd250b1 { padding:0px; margin: 0; padding-top:1em!important; padding-bottom:1em!important; width:100%; display: block; font-weight:bold; background-color:#eaeaea; border:0!important; border-left:4px solid #34495E!important; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -o-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); text-decoration:none; } .u4c37cd4cdd1196312180cc61edd250b1:active, .u4c37cd4cdd1196312180cc61edd250b1:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; text-decoration:none; } .u4c37cd4cdd1196312180cc61edd250b1 { transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; } .u4c37cd4cdd1196312180cc61edd250b1 .ctaText { font-weight:bold; color:inherit; text-decoration:none; font-size: 16px; } .u4c37cd4cdd1196312180cc61edd250b1 .post Title { color:#000000; text-decoration: underline!important; font-size: 16px; } .u4c37cd4cdd1196312180cc61edd250b1:hover .postTitle { text-decoration: underline!important; } READ Degree in Criminal Justice Use a Criminal Justice Background to Work as a ParalegalFor a small, new accounting firm its phone work and footwork. If you do enough of it, youll get some response. So one of the things you want to do before you open your doors is decide how much business you want. Can you handle the books for two firms? Three? Remember that a tax practice blows a big hole in the schedule every year. There comes a point for every small business when the owner will have to hire an employee in order to continue growth. Perhaps the toughest decision for any small business is when that cycle of growth reaches a point of diminishing returns when the additional income doesnt pay for additional staff or for the headaches that always accompany success. 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Friday, May 15, 2020

The Bad Guy, or Not Social Media Influence on...

Turn the TV on. There is a girl on the weather channel; she is skinny. Change the channel. A new series pop up, the main character is a girl with curves and she has the good-looking boy by her side. Go to the store and grab a magazine. The models on the cover do not have an over-weight looking body. The right thing to do would be blaming media for giving young girls the idea of a perfect body and also, proving them with the illusion that a body is what they need to have a good, happy, and full-filling life. But, is it really all media’s fault? In today’s world, people are misreading what media is really about, and they have started to blame it for the bad that is in the world. A bad that is changing people’s eating habits because of body†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Body dissatisfaction involves subjective disapproval of one’s own body shape or form and the belief that it is unattractive to others† (In The Eye Of The Beholder 20). There are m any speculations on why people start disliking their bodies. One of them can be media giving them the â€Å"Ideal Perfect Body†, but there is another reason of why and this is the peer influence. The peer influence can be found around the person on question, it either can be his or her own family and friends or maybe the next door girl who is skinny and has everything this person desire. Many times people tend to worry about other’s people life than their own, and they do not realize the outcomes of this single thing. Sometimes is just the feeling of not having an own life, because they want what the others have but this time it goes beyond that, people are falling into issues that are risking their lives (21). So, the dissatisfaction of their images comes, most of the time, from the pressure to be catalog as perfect which is the outcome of comparing themselves with people around them. But they do not realize what this issue can do to them, until there is no way out. In addition to the comparison between the person in question and the others around, the dissatisfaction could also come from competition but not from the media itself. Research has proved that media sometimes has a null effect on people and sometimes, even, it willShow MoreRelatedCelebrity Culture And Its Impact On Society1301 Words   |  6 PagesThe media has been around since the invention of the printing press in the 1400s. It became easier for information to spread all over Europe and then the world as the printing press spread to different parts of the world. The media began to change as new inventions—televisions, radios, and computers—were introduced to the general population. A different kind of culture was introduced to the world in the United States: celebrity culture. Celebrity culture is the general public passion with celebrityRead MoreStereotypes And Film Stereotypes1311 Words   |  6 PagesStereotypes and Films This week, in Chapter 5 The Perceptual Context, we covered stereotypes. Stereotypes typically refer to membership in social categories such as sex, race, age, or profession, that are believed to be associated with certain traits and behaviors, as noted by Neuliep (2015). Stereotypes can often stem from an individual’s own perception and form one’s cultural upbringing. The film I am covering, as it relates to stereotypes is Think Like a Man. Think Like a Man is about four womenRead More The Perpetuation of Negative Images of African Americans through Mass Media1701 Words   |  7 PagesAfrican Americans through Mass Media Works Cited Not Included Why as white people have we been lulled into thinking its safe to be around other white people. Why have we been taught since birth that it’s the people of that other color we need to fear? 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald - 915 Words

In the 1920s, when F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote The Great Gatsby, there was a common belief that anyone could achieve wealth no matter their past or current social status. This idea has come to be known as The American Dream. The Great Gatsby revolves around Gatsby and his love for Daisy. Gatsby falls for Daisy because she is his ticket to the wealth and success that The American Dream foretells. He ignores all her flaws and is willing to do anything for her just because she is wealthy. The Great Gatsby’s focus seems to be on this failed love story, however the love story is actually a metaphor for The American Dream. Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby illustrates the mystifying effects The American Dream has on people and how it cause them to put another on a pedestal ignoring all their faults and flaws so they are perceived as a perfect. The most prominent example of a character idolizing another is Gatsby’s tragic obsession with Daisy. From the first moment the two meets, while Gatsby is a military officer in World War I he is absolutely smitten with her. Daisy becomes his goal and the center of his world. Everything he does from then on is for her or more accurately his vision of her. Gatsby, who was born in poverty, fell in love with Daisy’s perceived beauty, innocence, grace, and most importantly her wealth. Her most notable and alluring attribute, her voice, is described by Gatsby to be full of money (120). Gatsby, like many Americans, was obsessed with money to theShow MoreRelatedThe Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald1393 Words   |  6 PagesF. Scott Fitzgerald was the model of the American image in the nineteen twenties. He had wealth, fame, a beautiful wife, and an adorable daughter; all seemed perfect. Beneath the gilded faà §ade, however, was an author who struggled with domestic and physical difficulties that plagued his personal life and career throughout its short span. This author helped to launch the theme that is so prevalent in his work; the human instinct to yearn for more, into the forefront of American literature, where itRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1343 Words   |  6 PagesHonors English 10 Shugart 18 Decemeber 2014 The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald s 1925 novel The Great Gatsby is a tragic love story, a mystery, and a social commentary on American life. The Great Gatsby is about the lives of four wealthy characters observed by the narrator, Nick Carroway. Throughout the novel a mysterious man named Jay Gatsby throws immaculate parties every Saturday night in hope to impress his lost lover, Daisy Buchanan. Gatsby lives in a mansion on West Egg across from DaisyRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1155 Words   |  5 PagesThe Great Gatsby The Jazz Age was an era where everything and anything seemed possible. It started with the beginning of a new age with America coming out of World War I as the most powerful nation in the world (Novel reflections on, 2007). As a result, the nation soon faced a culture-shock of material prosperity during the 1920’s. Also known as the â€Å"roaring twenties†, it was a time where life consisted of prodigality and extravagant parties. Writing based on his personal experiences, author F. ScottRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1166 Words   |  5 Pagesin the Haze F. Scott Fitzgerald lived in a time that was characterized by an unbelievable lack of substance. After the tragedy and horrors of WWI, people were focused on anything that they could that would distract from the emptiness that had swallowed them. Tangible greed tied with extreme materialism left many, by the end of this time period, disenchanted. The usage of the literary theories of both Biographical and Historical lenses provide a unique interpretation of the Great Gatsby centered aroundRead MoreThe Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald845 Words   |  3 PagesIn F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel, The Great Gatsby, colors represent a variety of symbols that relate back to the American Dream. The dream of being pure, innocent and perfect is frequently associated with the reality of corruption, violence, and affairs. Gatsby’s desire for achieving the American Dream is sought for through corruption (Schneider). The American Dream in the 1920s was perceived as a desire of w ealth and social standings. Social class is represented through the East Egg, the WestRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald Essay970 Words   |  4 Pagesrespecting and valuing Fitzgerald work in the twenty-first century? Fitzgerald had a hard time to profiting from his writing, but he was not successful after his first novel. There are three major point of this essay are: the background history of Fitzgerald life, the comparisons between Fitzgerald and the Gatsby from his number one book in America The Great Gatsby, and the Fitzgerald got influences of behind the writing and being a writer. From childhood to adulthood, Fitzgerald faced many good andRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald2099 Words   |  9 Pagesauthor to mirror his life in his book. In his previous novels F. Scott Fitzgerald drew from his life experiences. He said that his next novel, The Great Gatsby, would be different. He said, â€Å"In my new novel I’m thrown directly on purely creative work† (F. Scott Fitzgerald). He did not realize or did not want it to appear that he was taking his own story and intertwining it within his new novel. In The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, he imitates his lifestyle through the Buchanan family to demonstrateRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1607 Words   |  7 Pages The Great Gatsby is an American novel written in 1925 by F. Scott Fitzgerald. One of the themes of the book is the American Dream. The American Dream is an idea in which Americans believe through hard work they can achieve success and prosperity in the free world. In F. Scott Fitzgerald s novel, The Great Gatsby, the American Dream leads to popularity, extreme jealousy and false happiness. Jay Gatsby’s recent fortune and wealthiness helped him earn a high social position and become one of the mostRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1592 Words   |  7 PagesMcGowan English 11A, Period 4 9 January 2014 The Great Gatsby Individuals who approach life with an optimistic mindset generally have their goals established as their main priority. Driven by ambition, they are determined to fulfill their desires; without reluctance. These strong-minded individuals refuse to be influenced by negative reinforcements, and rely on hope in order to achieve their dreams. As a man of persistence, the wealthy Jay Gatsby continuously strives to reclaim the love of hisRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1646 Words   |  7 PagesThe 1920s witnessed the death of the American Dream, a message immortalized in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby. Initially, the American Dream represented the outcome of American ideals, that everyone has the freedom and opportunity to achieve their dreams provided they perform honest hard work. During the 1920s, the United States experienced massive economic prosperity making the American Dream seem alive and strong. However, in Fitzgerald’s eyes, the new Am erican culture build around that

The Jewish Roots of Christian Liturgy - 2710 Words

I Introduction First Christian communities appeared in Jewish Palestine and Diaspora after the death of Jesus of Nazareth, called the Christ, around 30 CE. Not only Jesus himself was a Jew, but also his followers and very first members of the new growing community were mainly Jews. They all shared the Jewish belief, the Sacred Scripture that Christians later started to call the Old Testament (OT), and were not aware of founding a new religion. A closer examination of Jewish worship will let us understand how it influenced the new Christian worship. We will have a closer look at places of worship, liturgical sources and customs which were common at that time. A last task will be to ask whether there are any significant Jewish elements†¦show more content†¦There are some references to this pattern in the gospels (e.g. Lk 2,38; Mt 11,25-30; Jn 11,41-42). Further we will see how some of these prayers in connection with the domestic Jewish worship were essential for the Christian liturgy of the Eucharist. D. The third main place of Jewish worship was home, especially during the time of meal. In the OT the communion of meal and feast was understood as a sign of covenant (eg. Gen 26,30). The Sabbath as a day was a special sign of covenant with God (Ex 31, 13-15) and so was the meal. The main meal of the year was the Passover meal, as a memorial day for the Lord’s passover in Egypt and deliverance from slavery (Ex 12). The weekly Sabbath meal on Friday evenings and the yearly Passover meal thus became quite elaborate. Bradshaw reminds that there is unfortunately no detailed evidence about meal-prayers in the first century, but according to the later evidence many assume that every meal started with berakot (plural of berakah) and ended with them. The opening berakot were pronounced over wine and bread, while the berakot at the end of the meal, called Birkat ha-mazon, consisted of a berakah for food, a hodayah for revelation and a tefillah for redemption (Bradshaw: 44f; Kavanagh: 6 21). For Christians the Last Supper with Jesus, which was a Passover meal, assumed a new meaning (Eucharist) – as a thanksgiving andShow MoreRelated The Eucharist Essay examples1165 Words   |  5 Pages Eucharist is the central rite of the Christian religion, in which bread and wine are consecrated by an ordained minister and consumed by the minister and members of the congregation in obedience to Jesus command at the Last Supper, â€Å"Do this in remembrance of me.† In the Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches, and in the Anglican, Lutheran, and many other Protestant churches, it is regarded as a sacrament, which both symbolizes and effects the union of Christ with the faithful. Baptists and othersRead MoreHinduism, Christianity, And Islam Essay1279 Words   |  6 Pagesand how that religion decides to display their â€Å"service† to God through the aspects of prayer and traditions. The main intention of worship and ritual is to show â€Å"service† to God, which is known for Judaism, Christianity, and Islam as â€Å"avodah,† â€Å"liturgy,† and â€Å"ibada† respectively. Each sentiment holds a strongly similar meaning to each of the Abrahamic faiths. While the interpretation of how exactly to execute â€Å"service† deviates with each religion, the reason for it remains constant: to pay homageRead MoreEssay about The Development of Christian Worship2507 Words   |  11 PagesThe Development of Christian Worship According to Crichton (1992 found in Jones et al.:1997) worship is a religious phenomenon, a reaching out through the fear that always accompanies the sacred to the mysterium conceived as tremendous but also fascinates, because behind it and in it there is an intuition of the Transcendent. (Crichton:1992 in Jones et al:1997:2) There are several approaches to which the subject of worship can be studied. This can be thatRead MoreThe Role of Music in Religion1395 Words   |  6 Pagesthe spheres† was originally thought to be the sounds of the concentric spheres of the universe rubbed against each other, and music was created. Music is a very important part of Christian worship and celebration. Music unites the congregation so that God is worshipped with one voice. A variety of music is used in Christian worship including hymms, gospel songs, psalms, contemporary music, and instrumental music all of which are played for meditation and reflection. Since the beginning, ChristianityRead MoreThe Biblical Mandate For Music735 Words   |  3 Pagesturn the pages, we find many who follow in Jubel’s musical footsteps (Roberts, 2002:84) This premise is predicated on the hypothesis that music plays an independent and important role within scripture itself; that is to be an elevated carrier for liturgy and prayer, the use of which is mandated by God for corporate worship. Both corporate worship and individual faith would suffer if music were removed. As an act of worshipping obedience, and a way of more readily understanding and relating to GodRead MoreNew Testament Exegesis - Gospel Of Matthew : Concerning Prayer1810 Words   |  8 PagesMount (Greenman, 2012: 4). The Lord’s Prayer has been central to Christian liturgy and tradition ever since. This essay will first summarise the literary structure and historical context, including authorship and date and location of writing and audience of the gospel of Matthew. Followed by an overview and detailed account of the passage Matthew 6:9-13 before summarising the theological message and application for today’s Christians. Literary structure Matthew narrates the story of Jesus. The impliedRead MoreEssay on The Influence of Christianity on Ancient and Modern Greece1657 Words   |  7 PagesInfluence of Christianity on Ancient and Modern Greece Problems with format ?From the earliest establishment of Christian churches in Macedonia, Achaia, Epirus, and Crete, to the expansion of the Orthodox Church, Greece has been a formidable landmark for development of Christianity throughout the world.? From its arrival to Greece with the first preaching of Paul, the Christian faith has undergone a unique assimilation into the cultural and philosophical traditions of the Greek people to createRead MoreThe Lords Prayer Essay2475 Words   |  10 Pagesprayer in the Christian community. Almost all Christian traditions accept and practice the Lords Prayer. This universality reasons that this prayer is of great religious importance. The appeal of the Lords Prayer is that it functions as the perfect prayer. Taught by Jesus himself, this prayer was thought to replace the Jewish prayers that existed at the time. For the most part, people associate the Lords Prayer with Christianity, contrasting it with Jewish prayer. ManyRead MoreThe Visual Encyclopedia Of Late Roman Art1823 Words   |  8 Pagestell a story. In addition, pagans and Christians both produced similar â€Å"non-verbal, iconographical images† that pointed to a â€Å"shared conceptual backcloth† in which both pagans and Christians had a prior â€Å"agreement in a form of life.† This form is largely defined through the relationship between death and the afterlife. One such form involves the iconographical depictions of events that occurred in the catacombs themselves—refrigeria meals (in the Christian case) to commemorate the apostles andRead MoreThe Vatican And The Eastern Orthodox Church s Impact On The Modern Church2118 Words   |  9 Pageshis speech on January 25, 1959 was named, Aggiornamento. It is in this same spirit that the research of this paper points towards, the changes made by the Western and Eastern Church that would have lasting effects on the modern church. After the Christian Church was split (the Great Schism), the Vatican II has impacted the flexibility and approach of the Roman Catholic Church. Also, in light of the Vatican II, the Eastern Orthodox Church’s flight from that modern adaptability has impacted the modern

Climatic Change And Its Effect On Society free essay sample

Essay, Research Paper Climatic Change and Its Consequence on Society There has been a important climatic alteration that has taken topographic point throughout the old ages on Earth. These alterations have effected society in more than one manner. However, there is nil society can make about the long term influences of climatic alterations. Society has tended to turn to the short term effects of climatic alterations that influence the planetary temperatures within the life span of present coevalss. The following will demo how climatic alterations does consequence society, wellness, and economic sciences. Society depends a batch on natural resources for assorted facets. First of all, society depends mostly on woods to provide trees which in bend supply wood for building. Other resources include oil and animate beings ( farm animal ) . In the focal point of wood, there is the Western Canadian Boreal Forest which is a big manufacturer of wood for the United States building industry. We will write a custom essay sample on Climatic Change And Its Effect On Society or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page However, climatic alterations has had big and impacting effects on the building industry. Compared to eastern Canada, the southern boreal forest part of western Canada has a comparatively dry clime. Therefore, drought effects are one of the major concerns being addressed by research workers in this part. clime modelers have predicted a big addition in temperature for this part, which could take to even drier conditions and tremendous emphasiss on flora in the western Canadian boreal wood. This type of impact was observed following the 1988 drouth it experiences, when there was a die-back of aspen over extended countries of the aspen parkland in Western Canada. Associated with this drouth was a drying up of big lakes in the part. Another possible impact for the part is a major addition in forest fires. This is due to the fact that fire frequence is closely linked to wet degrees which are expected to diminish under climatic alteration. Therefore, it is noticed that with increased climatic alteration the hereafter that this wood has in providing timber is diminishing, and the building industry will confront a little drawback due to this. In this it is noticed that, with a drawback in the building industry # 8217 ; s end product, will besides consequence the economic system and society. The economic system will consequence society and the lessening in end product means a lessening in occupations, which in consequence injuries society. Contrary to the illustration of the woods in Canada, is the information found on its agribusiness. Because mean temperatures are expected to increase more near the poles than near the equator, the displacement in climatic zones will be more marked in the higher latitudes. In the mid-latitude parts ( 45 # 8211 ; 60 latitude ) , the displacement is expected to be about 200-300 kilomete R for every degree Celsius of warming. Since today # 8217 ; s latitudinal clime belts are each optimal for peculiar harvests, such displacements could hold a powerful impact on agricultural and livestock production. For illustration, in the Canadian prairies, the turning season might lengthen by 10 yearss for every 1oC addition in mean one-year temperature. Another illustration ( Taken from beginnings on the net ) is the impact of clime alteration on H2O. Now, H2O is a endurance of world, in general, but about for all life. Therefore, if H2O was effected by climatic alterations, so would society, wellness, every bit good as economic sciences be impacted by climatic alterations. In countries where clime alteration causes decreased precipitation, freshwater storage militias, chiefly in the signifier of groundwater, will steadily shrivel. Areas where more precipitation was non matched by increased vaporization would see inundations and higher lake and river degrees. An addition in utmost events such as drouths and inundations would sabotage the dependability of many critical beginnings. Diminished snow accretion in winter would cut down the spring run-off that can be critical to refilling lakes and rivers ; a 10 % diminution in precipitation and a 1-2oC rise in temperature could cut down run-off by 40-70 % in desiccant basins. Worsening drouths combined with the over-exploitation of H2O resources would do salt to leach from the dirt, therefore raising the salt of the unsaturated zone ( the bed between the land and the implicit in H2O tabular array ) . In coastal zones, a lowered H2O tabular array would besides pull salt-water from the sea in the fresh groundwater. At the same clip, higher degrees of C dioxide in the ambiance are expected to better the efficiency of photosynthesis in workss, which could in bend cause more rapid evapo-transpiration. Together, these assorted effects would hold highly negative effects for river water partings, lake degrees, aquifers, and other beginnings of fresh water. As it is seen in the information found, such effects would in world consequence society, agribusiness, and economic sciences. Society, would hold lower degrees of fresh water, agribusiness would besides have lower degrees of fresh water to last on. Because of this, the economic system would be effected since more work will necessitate to be enforced to regenerate the beginnings of fresh water, or happen more. It can be seen through these old illustrations, that society is effected by assorted signifiers of climatic alteration. Therefore, if society is effected, so is the wellness of people within the society, and economic sciences is besides effected. It fundamentally is like a continual rhythm that persists with a relation between climatic alterations and the effects it has on society, wellness, and economic sciences.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Strategic Planning Process

Question: You are the Program Manager and responsible for the coordination of all activities which occur in a program. This may be a social work program, nursing care program, occupational or physiotherapy program, etc. Primarily based with a focus on either the aged care sector or disability health services.Briefly describethe strategic planning process and how you would use this to promote the aims and outcomes of the program. Identify key reporting tools of quality management which may be applied throughout the process, also consider the ongoing goals of the program. How would you define the relationship between quality assessment and performance reporting within your program? Are they interrelated? Describe both possible positive and negative outcomes.What do you believe to be the most effective way of ensuring people within your organisation achieve the goals set for them? Consider education, recognition of skills and competencies, in addition how will this affect the rest of the organiza tion as a whole? Answer: The Falls Management Program includes dual primary looms to towards management of the falls as well as injuries. The initiation will be through a very spontaneous response towards residents that fall. When any fall takes place, careful evaluation as well as investigation, with instantaneous intervention while initial 24 hours, could help recognize risk plus even prevent any future incidents. Second loom will be long-run management. In this approach, screening at the time of admission, quarterly, yearly s well as alterations of situations are vital towards identifying inhabitants at higher risk of the fall (Bloodgood 2007). In both the looms, a proper comprehensive falls evaluation must also be used towards developing entity care plan intrusion. Staff will also monitor as well as manage residents answer, and make proper care plan revaluations whenever required. While both the approaches will be fundamental towards a complete program, burden upon staff within terms of enhanced time as well as paperwork because of the higher quantity of resident falls also is significant. Amenities which master fall response procedure could shift from the crisis management towards proactive decrease of the fall risk as well as related injuries Program goal and background The FMP will be appropriate interdisciplinary quality enhancement initiative. Such a program will be properly and specifically designed towards assisting the nursing facilities and also supplying individualized, person-oriented care, as well as civilizing their total care for fall processes plus outcomes via educational as well as quality enhancement tools ('Defining And Developing Competence: A Strategic Process Paradigm' 1995). Why is all this significant? It is a vital question and has several answers: Falls are general within nursing facilities. From 1.6 million inhabitants in the U.S. nursing amenities, roughly half fall yearly. About 1 within 3 of the ones who fall would fall two otherwise more times within a year.Falls frequently have solemn consequences, particularly in weak older residents. The Fall-oriented injuries lessen residents superiority of life in addition to capability towards function. Residents that fall without any injury habitually develop a fright of falling which leads towards self-forced limitation of actions. One in each 10 inhabitants that fall has very serious associated injury as well as some 65,000 patients also suffer a modish fracture every year. There are several unfavorable results of these falls.Falls in reality are a vital safety concern intended for all nursing amenities. Injuries that are a result of falls are also major causes for many lawsuits adjacent to facilities as well as staff that could also result within loss of the large amount of mone y as well as higher indemnity premiums. There exist many probable consequences for amenities.Several nursing amenities carry theses programs in proper place, yet identify that there are always spaces for enhancement and growth. While not every fall and injury could be banned, it is also very critical to carry a methodical process for assessment, interference and monitoring which results within minimizing all the risks of fall.FMP would also help facility employees to recognize and arbitrate, whenever possible, upon the ordinary causes of the falls. Falls amongst nursing home inhabitants are more often than not consequence of the mix of risk elements, both intrinsic as well as extrinsic. Though intrinsic risk elements like age-linked changes plus chronic diseases can never be eradicated, they could be controlled in proper way towards reducing residents danger of falling. The Medical administration of both acute as well as chronic situations could be improved via appropriate assessment and proper treatment. Risk factors that are Extrinsic could also be spoken to towards improve safety within environment plus also during use of tools and equipments. Reporting tools for better quality management FMP Self-evaluation tool will be used in the program and this would enable employees to recognize strengths as well as weaknesses within main areas. It must also be completed prior to initiation of the program for better development of a facility-detailed plan intended for implementation of the program (Dring 2007). This self-assessment must also be concluded after the program implementation towards evaluating progress as well as identifying further improvement in the process requirements. In fastidious, completing chart audit segment of self-assessment periodical would also help to detect all the care processes like screening, evaluation, care planning, as well as monitoring that will be performed and recognized adequately along with need upgrading. This part will also include major fields of documentation that are necessary to imitate implementation of most excellent practices as well as will also promote positive consequences throughout survey otherwise at time of litigation. Tracking Record intended for Improving the Patient Safety (TRIPS) also will be used as a method in FMP towards reporting all forms of falls and also the progress of the plan and the program. The Centers intended for Medicare as well as Medicaid Services explanation of the reportable fall comprises the following Full episode where particular resident has lost his or her balance as well as may have fallen, that were not for any staff intervention, also is said as a fall. In some other words, intercepted fall also is a fall.The attendance or nonappearance of an ensuing injury is never a factor within definition of any fall. Even a fall devoid of injury is considered as a fall (Gustafsson 1997).When any resident is seen on floor, facility is compelled to investigate plus even try to recognize the way in which he/she went there, in addition to putting into place proper intervention towards preventing this type of happening anytime again. Unless and until there is proof suggesting, most logical end is that fall has actually occurred. Relation amid quality assessment plus performance reporting If any fall situation is not investigated on time of occurrence, it is extra difficult to put together event in addition to determining kinds of risk that were present in the situation that has already occurred. Even while an occupant is found on floor after an unrecognized fall, straight care staff could also use their knowledge as well as experience of resident towards making educated guesses on the basis of the evidence (Foster 2014). Proper response of the unknown must also rarely be accepted through nurse manager at the time of investigation of the fall. EFFECTIVE WAY TO ENSURE PEOPLE IN THE ORGANISATION TO ACHIEVE GOALS THAT ARE POSITIONED FOR THEM Tracking Record intended for Improving the Patient Safety which is also called TRIPS will be the method that will be used within FMP towards reporting all forms of falls. TRIPS form will be divided in two segments. Section A which will include general residents information and data processes for documentation within medical record as well as notification of primary care supplier plus their family. Section B will comprise of questions regarding circumstances, employee response as well as resident plus also care results (Kirby 2010). Nurse Manager on duty at time of fall must also complete TRIPS form. Following the discussion with involved straight care staff, nurse will be asked to utilize his/her knowledge as well as experience plus skills of resident towards putting together hints so that the unknown is utilized cautiously, if it is ever used. This form will be next checked by Falls Nurse manager of nursing plus any missing data like emergency space visits, hospital admittance, x-ra y outcomes otherwise additional tests that are medical will be added at some later time. Outcomes of Falls evaluation, with orders plus recommendations, must also be utilized by interdisciplinary group towards developing a complete as well as proper care plan intended to the falls within some 1-7 days following the fall. Fall interference Plan will also be used by Falls Nurse manager as proper worksheet plus towards recording final interventions chosen for resident. Interventions listed upon this form also will be grouped within same five danger areas worn for Falls evaluation. Also a proper copy of plan for Fall Interventions will be supplied. Often chief care plan will not comprise of any specific sufficient detail towards effectively reducing the risk of the fall. Safe and secured footwear will also be a very good instance of an intervention frequently found on the care plan. But also to prevent people from falls, employees must understand which of inhabitants shoes are secure an d safe. This phase of the detail merely comes with the frontline employee involvement towards individualizing care plan (Campbell 2006). Plan for Fall Interventions will also include such level of data and detail. While plan for falls care might also include probably effective involvement, it is employee compliance which will decrease fall risk. Programs success otherwise failure could merely be recognized if employee actually implement suggested interventions. Therefore, monitoring employee will also follow-through upon the program and will be considered very necessary once care plan will get appropriately developed. Occupants response will also be evaluated and assessed to recognize if intervention is actually successful or has become a failure. Changes within care in addition to alternate interventions must also be decided on the basis of continued evaluation of resident as well as family input. Fall Interventions will also provide a procedure towards documenting the staff implementation, efficiency of chosen interventions as well as any essential revisions (Dykes 2012). Leadership Style The leadership style that will be used in the program plays a vital role within job satisfaction among the nurses. Moreover, there exist very limited literature within this area regarding nurses' manager and their styles of leadership. The aim and objective of this style will be therefore to investigate relationship amid the leadership style used by managers as well as job of nurses and their satisfaction within the organization. Leadership is that ability which influences as well as pursues the admirer through guiding and motivating s well as directing the followers towards achievement of organizational efficiency. Several facts of health management emphasize upon the effective leadership which is highly associated towards nurse staff and their satisfaction with their work as satisfied nurses actually are more probable to stay not merely within profession but even in health care firm which they also are properly satisfied with. There exists several styles of the leadership which any nurse manager can use towards leading employee nurses within a hospital, but prior to this introduction of using transformational and the transactional style of leadership which was perceived through majority of nurses executives as most effective and useful style within the health care firms (Dring 2007). Since early 1990s, the use of transformational style of leadership has been every time preferred over the proper transactional style of leadership as the health care ecology also demands the leaders that inspire other people with vision of things that can be appropriately accomplished. There also exists limited literature within areas regarding leadership styles of the managers.There will be some two styles of leadership used by the manager in this situation to handle the staffs and continue with the program effectively. Transformational Leadership:The leadership wil be followed and here leaders as well as subordinates will be able to raise each other to greater levels of inspiration as well as morality. This leadership will help the leader to develop better relations with subordinated otherwise followers and thereby enhance the result of the program. Transformational leadership, will act as an independent variable which will include: A) Credited idealize influence which would describe proper behaviors to encourage employees and also think highly about their leaders. B) Behavioral influence that will be idealized and which would refer towards actions those managers would take to reveal values, beliefs, plus sense of the organizational mission. C) Inspirational drive which would describe the managers about people who are hopeful about organization's vision intended to future (Ackoff 1999). D) Intellectual encouragement in which leader would eloquent novel ideas which prompt followers towards rethinking the conservative practice as well as thinking. E) Individual deliberation which will be demonstrated through mentoring as well as recognizing unique needs as well as capabilities of employee members. Transactional Leadership:Is will mostly be characterized through a need to preserve organization's obtainable culture, strategies, as well as procedures. Transactional style of leadership will act as an autonomous variable which will include. A) Contingent rewards within which leader will provide all the rewards which will be either tangible such as finical rewards otherwise will be intangible rewards such as verbal type of gratitude on the basis of performance of the subordinates. B) Active management through exception which will represent all managerial behaviors which would also focus upon finding faults within work of the subordinates. C) Passive management through exception which will involve responding otherwise becoming involved merely when any problem takes place (Antonakis and House 2014). D) Laissez-faire behaviors that would demonstrate a deficit of participation in which the mangers actually fail to turn out to be involved within vital decisions Ethical clearance also will be obtained through several ethical review board of the organization, and also a proper as well as formal letter will be written to the firm and higher authorities of the firm. Verbal consent will be obtained from each and every participant prior to collection of information, details as well as data. Additionally, there will be few names of the subordinates who will be included in the program and some that will be not used within the program as well as confidentially of subordinates and their delivered information will also be maintained by the manager. The manager will also need to look after the proper handling of the data and better supply of information to the participants which would later on help the manager to attain his objectives and supply enhanced result to the firm. REINFORCE THE BEHAVIOURS, ATTITUDES AND SKILLS WHICH WOULD GIVE DESIRED RESULTS Reinforcement actually is a stimulus that follows as well as is contingent on a behavior plus also increases probability of the behavior that is repeated. Optimistic, positive and also called hopeful reinforcement could actually help in increment of likelihood of not merely desirable behavior rather also some undesirable performances. For instance, if a learner or a subordinate whines within order towards getting attention as well as is victorious in attaining it, attention dishes up as optimistic reinforcement that also increases likelihood which student would continue towards whining. Here are several types of reinforces that have also been searched to be efficient for changing learners behavior as well as a conversation of the way in which to select as well as deliver suitable plus effective reinforces (Jzefowicz 2010). Natural Direct Reinforcement: This reinforcement will result unswervingly from the perfect as well as appropriate behavior. For instance, communicating appropriately with the learners and the subordinates in the group activities would lead towards extra invitations to link such actions. Natural reinforcement intended for proper bids for the attention, help as well as participation will be used to provide attention, help plus opportunity towards participation. The aim and goal must always be towards moving learners to the natural as well as intrinsic reinforcement. Social Reinforcement: These will be reinforces that will socially be mediated through teachers and other adults as well as peers that will also express endorsement plus praise for suitable behavior. There will be several comments like "Good job," "It seems you are working very hard," "oh! You are very good at your work" and many more, and proper expressions of the approval like nodding head and smiling plus clapping and also a pat on back will be some effective tools to motivate the employees towards taking better part in the program (Dasgupta, Suar and Singh 2012). Activity Reinforcement: Activity reinforces in reality are extra effective as well as positive for all type of learners within any program. Allowing learners to properly participate within the preferred actions like playing live games, teaching through computer and many more act as very powerful tool, particularly if portion of reinforcement will be allowed to select a peer with whom to contribute in activity. This will even provides the social reinforcement through partner. Tangible Reinforcement: This category will include some edibles like money, awards, incentives, benefits and many more, for people performing better and good in the program and also learning extra effectively. Money and good as well as incentives will be used with extra caution. Teachers or the manager might also have causes to allot the tangible incentives as positive reinforcement and attract employees towards the program and enforce them to perform better. Awards could also be in form of some certificates or displaying work, as well as letters to learners commending their total progress. These will powerfully help in motivating the employees. Token Reinforcement: This will involve proper awarding points otherwise tokens for fitting behavior. These plunders will have less value within them yet can be swapped for thing that have value. PREVENTING TOXIC BEHAVIOR OF EMPLOYEES The most effective as well as best strategy intended for handling toxic behavior in reality is prevention. Below mentioned are some best practices on the basis of traditional three-phase prevention replica: Primary Prevention It is most powerful avoidance strategy and plan which will utilize practices which would prevent and avoid populace with such character from getting even hired in first place. Looms like self-evaluation instruments as well as "360 degree" spectator ratings would also work while detecting possible problems than the interviews plus reference checks. Other effectual primary avoidance practice will be to tell possible candidates about core achievement competencies intended for any position few of which must be exact conflicting of the toxic behaviors, that the manager can be alert of that they would be evaluated for such behaviors while initial phase of employment (Jeon, Younghwa 2010). Secondary Prevention Since it is ideal to stop hiring staffs with such traits totally, it is even valuable to notice problems early as well as intervene towards minimizing its damaging impact. This means that detecting behaviors near the beginning within an employees tenure as well as minimizing the impact. This could also involve supplying few education as well as coaching related to toxic behaviors while first weeks of the employment plus early detection via use of the behavioral evaluation that utilizes a total "360 degree" arrangement which includes verbal as well as written reply accompanied through paying attention towards mitigation like coaching or guidance plan (McGough 2011). References Ackoff, Russell L. 1999. 'Transformational Leadership'. Strategy Leadership 27 (1): 20-25. doi:10.1108/eb054626. Antonakis, John, and Robert J. House. 2014. 'Instrumental Leadership: Measurement And Extension Of TransformationalTransactional Leadership Theory'. The Leadership Quarterly 25 (4): 746-771. doi:10.1016/j.leaqua.2014.04.005. Bloodgood, James M. 2007. 'The Business Planning Process: Maintaining Strategic Fit'. Strat. Change 16 (1-2): 33-41. doi:10.1002/jsc.781. Campbell, A. J. 2006. 'Implementation Of Multifactorial Interventions For Fall And Fracture Prevention'. Age And Ageing 35 (Supplement 2): ii60-ii64. doi:10.1093/ageing/afl089. Dasgupta, Shilpee A., Damodar Suar, and Seema Singh. 2012. 'Impact Of Managerial Communication Styles On Employees Attitudes And Behaviours'. Employee Relations 35 (2): 173-199. doi:10.1108/01425451311287862. 'Defining And Developing Competence: A Strategic Process Paradigm'. 1995. Long Range Planning 28 (4): 123. doi:10.1016/0024-6301(95)94265-z. Dring, Thomas F. 2007. 'Quality Evaluation Needs Some Better Quality Tools'. Nature 445 (7129): 709-709. doi:10.1038/445709b. Dykes, P. C. 2012. 'Adding Targeted Multiple Interventions To Standard Fall Prevention Interventions Reduces Falls In An Acute Care Setting'. Evidence-Based Nursing 15 (4): 109-110. doi:10.1136/ebnurs-2012-100630. Foster, Lenelle. 2014. 'Quality-Assessment Expectations And Quality-Assessment Reality In Educational Interpreting: An Exploratory Case Study'. Stellenbosch Papers In Linguistics Plus 43 (0): 87. doi:10.5842/43-0-207. Gustafsson, Anders. 1997. 'The New Quality Tools'. Total Quality Management 8 (2-3): 167-172. doi:10.1080/0954412979938. Jeon, Younghwa,. 2010. 'Research Of Employees Organizational Commitment And Vocational Ethical Behavior'. Journal Of Ethics 1 (79): 53-78. doi:10.15801/je.1.79.201012.53. Jzefowicz, Barbara. 2010. 'Development Supporting Employee Behaviours'. JPM 1 (1). doi:10.12775/jpm.2010.006. Kane, Robert L., and David A. Ganz. 2013. 'Fall Prevention: Single Or Multiple Interventions?'. Journal Of The American Geriatrics Society 61 (2): 281-281. doi:10.1111/jgs.12095_1. Kirby, Roger. 2010. 'IMPROVING PATIENT SAFETY IN UROLOGY'. BJU International 106 (8): 1109-1110. doi:10.1111/j.1464-410x.2010.09575.x. McGough, Greta. 2011. 'Preventing Workplace Bullying An Evidence-Based Guide For Managers And Employeespreventing Workplace Bullying An Evidence-Based Guide For Managers And Employees'. Nursing Standard 26 (3): 31-31. doi:10.7748/ns2011.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Use Themes And Essay Examples To Write Your Essay

Use Themes And Essay Examples To Write Your EssayThere are many schizophrenia essay samples that one can find online but it is important to remember that they are not meant to be used as a guideline in learning how to write an essay. These are simply written examples and not for regular use.The first thing that you have to do is determine whether you are going to use the materials that you are reading about or will you use them to better use your skills in writing your own essays. You must consider the things that you should focus on and avoid. There are many questions that you have to ask yourself especially if you are new in the world of essay writing.How much research did you do on the subject matter? It is essential that you have enough knowledge about your topic to know more than others. It is also important that you have more information than your reader as this will make him able to connect the paragraphs better. If you really want to succeed, you should be able to produce con vincing sentences that will make him understand what you want him to.Your research is important and if you find an article which provides schizophrenia essay samples, make sure that you are not relying on that to become a great writer. If you know your topic well enough, then this article is most likely the same as what you would write about on your own. Also, your writer must possess the appropriate perspective, time, and attention to write well on schizophrenia.One thing that you need to remember is that you are writing about things that you already know and you are very familiar with. The article and the essay samples found in these websites are supposed to give you a rough idea on how to write an essay. If you start thinking too much about the ideas that you have to write these, you will not be able to focus on your words and what you are trying to achieve.Do not forget to include your main points in the first paragraph and then continue with your introduction and conclusion. Yo u should make your topic as clear as possible and you should use an article body on your main points. The main points will focus on the main topics which are mental illnesses. The material can be broken down into different sections like the brain, brain chemicals, physiological changes, genetic and neurological disorders, schizophrenia, and medication and the medication debate.In order to simplify the entire process of how to write an essay, you must be able to stay away from the information overload. You must be able to deliver your sentences well and you must keep in mind the theme of your piece. To be able to achieve this, you will have to research first what the main issues are in your topic.Keep in mind that you are only reading and not doing the whole process on how to write an essay yourself. These are just sample and they are meant to provide you with a guideline on how to write an essay.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Paradox of Samsungs Rise free essay sample

The Paradox of Samsungs Rise, examines the strategic management decisions that ed to Samsungs emergence as one of the worlds most successful companies from an ordinary original equipment manufacturer Just 30 years ago. Samsung Electronics transformed itself through a new management initiative in 1993 that combined Western best-practices with essentially Japanese management methods to produce a highly profitable hybrid system, resulting in recording breaking profits of Sl billion on $138 billion in revenue in 2010. As todays emerging giants face the challenge of moving beyond their home markets, they have much to learn from the path breaking xperience of South Koreas Samsung Group, arguably the most successful globalizer of the previous generation. Abstract: Twenty years ago, few people would have predicted that Samsung could transform itself from a low-cost original equipment manufacturer to a world leader in RD, marketing, and design, with a brand more valuable than Pepsi, Nike, or American Express. We will write a custom essay sample on Paradox of Samsungs Rise or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Fewer still would have predicted the success of the path it has taken. For two decades now, Samsung has been grafting western business pracuces onto Its essentlally Japanese system, comDlnlng Its traaltlonal low-cost manuTacturlng rowess with an ability to bring high-quality, high-margin branded products swiftly to market. Like Samsung, todays emerging giants†Haier in China, Infosys in India, and in Turkey, for instance†face a paradox: their continued success requires turning away from what made them successful. The tightly integrated business systems that have worked in their home markets are unlikely to secure their future in global markets. Samsung has steadily navigated this paradox to transcend its initial success in its home markets and move onto the world stage. To move to the next evel, they, too, must reinvent themselves in ways that may seem contradictory. And when they reach new plateaus, they will need to do so again. For seven years, we have traced Samsungs progress as it has steadily navigated this paradox to transcend its initial success in its home markets and move onto the world stage. It is a story we believe holds many important lessons for the current generation of emerging giants seeking to do the same. The Rise of a World Leader: The two sets of business practices could not have seemed more incompatible. Into an organization focused on continuous process improvement, Samsung introduced a ocus on innovation. Into a homogeneous workforce, Samsung introduced outsiders who could not speak the language and were unfamiliar with the companys culture. Into a Confucian tradition of reverence for elders, Samsung introduced merit pay and promotion, putting some young people in positions of authority over their elders. It has been a path marked by both disorienting disequilibrium and intense exhilaration. Founded in 1938, the Samsung Group is the largest corporate entity in South Korea, with $227. 3 billion in revenue in 2010 and 31 5,000 employees worldwide. Best known or its flagship, Samsung Electronics (SEC)†producer of semiconductors, cell phones, TVs, and LCD panels†the groups highly diversified businesses span a wide range of industries, including financial services, information technology services, machinery, shipbuilding, and chemicals. By 1987, when Lee Kun-Hee succeeded his father as only the second chairman in the companys history, Samsung was the leader in Korea in most of its markets. But its overseas position as a low-cost producer was becoming untenable in the face of intensifying competition from Japanese electronics makers, which were setting up anufacturing plants in Southeast Asia, and rising domestic wages in South Koreas newly liberalizing economy. In the early 1990s, Lee spotted an opportunity in the reluctance of Japanese companies†the analog market leaders†to adopt digital technology, which consumers were flocking to in cameras, audio equipment, and other electronic products. This opened the door for Samsung to surpass its rivals if it developed the aglllty, Innovativeness, ana creat lvlty Success Mantra: Hybrid strategy- Mix and Match of Japanese strategy and Western Strategy. to succ In tne new Olglta I market. Implementation of western strategy on Japanese strategy.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

buy custom Codification Concepts essay

buy custom Codification Concepts essay Creating an Initial Database Database consists of fields containing individual pieces of data grouped in tables. When creating a database, one determines characteristics of specific data entry. Forms are used for viewing data entry or fields associated to forms. A question creates new tables from existing tables based on the question type. The data formed is then organized in a report according to your requirements. To create a database, chose Database from the menu bar following the procedure, File New Database (Neuman, 2003). One can also access new database by selecting the arrow next to New Icon on the standard tool bar, and from the dropdown menu, select Database. All the processes will open up a new data base. To create a database, you should have a recommended server with the recommended files. Data Editing Data editing consists of removal of bad data by muting. It is a simple method of removing noise when high-amplitude unpredictable events are isolated. Data editing consists of unpredictable events since they leave high amplitude residuals that tend to be expected as prediction errors. In recent times, automatic data editing is used for three dimensional surveys because huge volumes of data used. The huge volumes of data have led to the use of automatic data editing. Large dynamic range of data allows for more accuracy in the desired signal. It is noted that during data collection, high amplitude noise is also collected. The noise is as a result of unwanted signals i.e. ground roll or imperfections of recording instruments. Data processing techniques tend to preserve the amplitudes and since data should be free of noise, clean pre-stack data is recommended. Processes such as pre-stack migration, velocity determination and AVO measurements are therefore recommended. Data editing happen s at two levels, micro and macro editing. Micro editing corrects data at the record level. At this level, error in data is checked in records with the intention of determining the consistency of the data. Macro editing detects errors but after the analysis of aggregate data (Dennard, 2000). Editing is done at different levels such as validity, range, duplication, consistency, historical, statistical and miscellaneous edits. Data Description It involves data analysis and services delivery in a work overloaded with information. It entails knowing statistics (measure obtained in a sample) and different terminologies used in describing data. Such terminologies that include, parameter which is the characteristics obtained in a population. Mean is the sum of the values divided by the number of values and denoted by x (Ercan et al, 2007). Median is the mid point of data after being sorted in ascending or descending order. Mode- is the most frequent number. Skewed Distribution-position of the high value of data, values can be lying towards the head or towards the tail. Weighted mean-mean found when each value is multiplie by its weight and totaled. Symmetric distribution- even or uneven distribution of data values on either side of the mean. Midrange- mean of the lowest value and the highest values. Range-the difference between the highest value and the lowest value, other terms used in describing data include, population Varia nce, sample Variance, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, empirical or normal rule, standard score or Z-score, percentile, quartile, deciles, lower hinge, upper hinge, box plot, five number summary, inter-quartile range, outlier, mild outliers and extreme outliers (Eriksson et al, 2006). Data Manipulation Data manipulation also refers to as data fudging. It includes making up false data and selecting data for reporting. Examples of selective reporting include, choosing a group of results for final tallying following a pattern that is consistent to the preferred hypothesis. In doing this, one will have to ignore other values, results and data runs contradicting the hypothesis. Positive result entails data runs where the researcher guesses a hidden card or variable at a greater frequency than chance (Bernard, 2000). Manipulation here therefore involves a case where the hypothesis is not confirmed by the totality of the entire research experiment. It is only confirmed by selected group of successful test. In the event of manipulation study results cannot be reproduced by another investigation. Matching Data Variables with Analytical Methods Data variable is a quantity measured on a continuous and infinite scale. It is not measured on a distinct unit demanding yes/no answers. The variables are put down on charts, range charts and standard deviation charts. Analytical methods would be used to match data variables since the methods are used where data outputs has literal peaks. The peak position and size are obtained by mathematical transformation of primary data with unlike form function. In this case the function may be continuously decreasing or increasing in function (Annor-Frempong Duvel, 2011). To match data with analytical methods, first of all the data for several key events are imputed since the data analysis would be based on dissimilar events. The events should be included in the data file to produce consistent results. Secondly, the variables collected in the original questionnaire should be in convenient form for collection. The methods would therefore allow for combination in a form for easy analysis (Griffi s Cooper, 2010). Thirdly, variables arte summarized and included in the record file. The next step would involve calculation where certain indices are calculated and included in the record file. Finally, the data in the record file would be in a standardized format allowing for easy comparison and analysis. Independent Dependent Variables In an experiment, the variable that varies and can be manipulated by the researcher is known as independent variable. It is the presumed cause and the antecedent of a research. In an experiment, this variable is controlled and manipulated. In a non experimental procedure where there is no manipulation, independent variable has an effect on dependent variable (Eriksson et al, 2006). For example, when a research is done on cigarette smoking verses lung cancer, smoking will be the independent variable because it can be manipulated. In other instances, the independent variable is always beyond manipulation and control such cases includes ethnicity and gender. Dependent variable on the other hand is the response that is measured. It is the presumed effect and consequent in a research carried out (Datta, 2010). The variable cannot be manipulated by the researcher instead it is measured or observed for variation as a deduced result of the variation in independent variable. Dependent variabl e is also the status of the outcome in which data contain. Validity Validity is an important aspect in data collection because without it, the research is meaningless with great deal of money, time and energy wasted. According to Duvel (1994), validity entails the meaningfulness, appropriateness and usefulness of inferences made from a test score. For findings to be appropriate, useful and meaningful, it needs to be valid. To have valid research findings, there is need for consideration of context and purpose of survey items to determine the appropriateness inferences (Duvel, 1994). Reliability Tests lacking reliability will indicate ambiguous scores. A test should achieve a reasonable level of reliability in order to be precise. For example, a test with a score 80 may not be different than a score of 90 or 70 in terms of what students know (Ercan et al, 2007). Thus if the test is not reliable it cannot be valid. Precision When requirements in research are not made crystal clear, they are open to misinterpretation. Thus precision is necessary in data collection to limit misinterpretation. The method used in data collection or projects requirements does not matter, what matters are that they should not be too fuzzy (Neuman, 2003). Accuracy Data entry is the most important aspect in data collection, when they are added correctly the information collected helps execute plans correctly or helps achieve a reliable conclusion (Chan, 2004). It also helps in determining goals of the research and rectification of shortcomings encountered. Information collected with mistakes is skewed and inaccurate. Information entered should be accurate and efficient for a research to be precise, reliable and valid. Incorrect data in a database often has a negative effect in full value of research. For example, outdated information in an organization i.e. old appraisals and outdated past due rental notices will make a company appear to be making loses that it actually is. This would impact a business negatively in terms of future financing. Buy custom Codification Concepts essay